Function |
Description |
Sample program |
Bug report |
Boot process (bootkit) |
boot process is executed.
Besides that, functions are also provided for the control of the following peripheral circuits: SRAM controller (SRAMC), clock management unit (CMU), and prescaler (PSC). |
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Real-Time Clock (RTC) |
Using the RTC function, the time is obtained and displayed in simulated I/O (hereinafter, SimI/O) or the user-specified time is set.
In addition, it is possible to check the RTC interrupt. |
Halt/Sleep |
The halt command is executed, and then the halt command is canceled by T16F interrupt.
The halt command is executed, and then the halt command is canceled by RTC interrupt.
The sleep command is executed, and then the sleep command is canceled through the invocation of interrupt from the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1-6).
The sleep command is executed, and then the sleep command is canceled by RTC interrupt. |
8-Bit Timer (T8) |
8-bit timer interrupt is invoked, and "T8 Interrupt!" is displayed to SimI/O for each interrupt. |
8-Bit Programmable Timers (T8F) |
8-bit timer interrupt is invoked, and "T8F ch.0 Interrupt!" is displayed to SimI/O for each interrupt. |
16-Bit Timer with Fine Mode (T16F) |
16-bit timer interrupt is invoked, and "T16F Interrupt!" is displayed to SimI/O for each interrupt. |
16-Bit Timer PWM Timer (T16A) |
The compare match interrupt (A,B) is invoked, and when compare B match interrupt has occurred 10 times, the compare match interrupt is stopped. "T16A Interrupt!" is displayed to SimI/O for each interrupt. |
16-Bit Audio PWM Timer (T16P) |
PWM waveform created based on the 16-bit timer is outputted. |
Watchdog Timer (WDT) |
NMI interrupt is invoked, and "NMI Interrupt!" is displayed to SimI/O for each interrupt. |
Transmission is done with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1. Both units operate using the same sample software.
The sending is started by pressing the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1). After sending, the received data is displayed to SimI/O, and UART is stopped. Same operations are performed on both units. |
Universal Serial Interface (USI UART) |
Transmission is done with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1. Operate both units using the same sample software.
The sending is started by pressing the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1). After sending, the received data is displayed to SimI/O, and UART is stopped. Same operations are performed on both units. |
Universal Serial Interface (USI I2C M) |
Communications with slave CPU board is realized by using the USI I2C master mode function of S1C17803.
Transmission is done with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1.
The receive standby state is brought about by pressing S5U1C17803T1 slave side keyswitch (SW1).
Next, the sending of "HELLO17803" is started by pressing master side SW1.
When the master side sending is completed, the received data at the slave side is displayed to SimI/O.
Thereafter, the "hello17803" send standby state is brought about at the slave side by pressing slave side SW1.
Sending is started by pressing master side SW1.
When receiving is completed, the received data is displayed to SimI/O. |
Universal Serial Interface (USI I2C S) |
Communications with master CPU board is realized by using the USI I2C slave mode function of S1C17803.
Transmission is done with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1.
The receive standby state is brought about by pressing S5U1C17803T1 slave side keyswitch (SW1).
Next, the sending of "HELLO17803" is started by pressing master side SW1.
When the master side sending is completed, the received data at the slave side is displayed to SimI/O.
Thereafter, the "hello17803" send standby state is brought about at the slave side by pressing slave side SW1.
Sending is started by pressing master side SW1.
When receiving is completed, the received data is displayed to SimI/O. |
Universal Serial Interface (USI SPI M) |
Communications with slave CPU board is realized by using the USI SPI master mode function of S1C17803.
Transmission is done with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1.
The transmission is started by pressing the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1).
Receiving is done at the same time as sending, and the received data is displayed to SimI/O.
The slave side enters the transmission wait state when SW1 is pressed, and pressing master's SW1 starts the sending from master and when the slave side confirms the reception, the slave's data sending is started. |
Universal Serial Interface (USI SPI S) |
Communications with master CPU board is realized by using the USI SPI slave mode function of S1C17803.
Transmission is done with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1.
The transmission wait state is entered by pressing S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1) and this triggers data receiving from master, and transmission is carried out.
The received data is displayed to SimI/O. |
I2C Master Mode (I2C M) |
Communications with EEPROM is realized by using the I2C master mode of S1C17803.
"HELLO17803" is written to EEPROM using the I2C Master.
After the writing is completed, "HELLO17803" is read from EEPROM.
The read data is displayed to SimI/O. |
I2C Slave Mode (I2C S) |
Communications with the master is realized by using the I2C slave mode of S1C17803.
Transmission pf I2C Master and I2C Slave is done with the use of 1 unit of S5U1C17803T1.
The communication speed is set as 100 kbps.
"HELLO17803" is sent from master to slave by pressing the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1).
"hello17803" is sent from slave to master. |
I2S (I2S) |
The default settings of I2S and the initialization of digital audio DAC on the S5U1C17803T1 audio board are carried out, and sound data is regenerated. |
Remote Controller (REMC T) |
Data sending for infrared remote control is realized by using the sending mode of infrared emission/reception function (REMC) of S1C17803.
The REMC sample software performs intercommunications with the use of 2 units of S5U1C17803T1.
Write "remc t" sample software for sending side S5U1C17803T1 and "rem r" sample software for receiving side S5U1C17803T1.
Pressing the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1) sends 1 type of data.
Pressing SW1 sends data 1. After completion of sending, pressing SW1 starts the sending of data 2. The send data has 9 types (send data numbered 1 to 9). The send data number of data already sent is displayed to SimI/O. After all data has been sent, interrupt occurs and the sending ends. |
Remote Controller (REMC R) |
The sample software that realizes data receiving for infrared remote control by using the receiving mode of infrared emission/reception function (REMC) of S1C17803 is explained.
The receiving is started by pressing the S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1).
The received data is judged to be the intended receive data (receive data numbered 1 to 9) or not.
After judgment, the received data number is displayed to SimI/O. |
I/O Ports (GPIO) |
When interrupt occurs due to the rotation of ED jog encoder (SW7) of S5U1C17803T1, "> Encoder SW interrupt" is displayed to SimI/O.
In addition, the 3-color LED is made to blink each second in the sequence of Green→Unlit→Red→Unlit→Blue→Unlit→
Cyan→Unlit→Yellow→Unlit→Magenta→Unlit→White→Unlit. |
AD Converter (ADC) |
The S5U1C17803T1 keyswitch (SW1-6) input is acquired through ADC CH3, and the pressed keyswitch No. is displayed to SimI/O. |
LCD Controller (LCDC) |
LCDC default settings, checkered pattern display, gradation display, and image data display are carried out. |